Display your patterns in the gallery


The pattern editor is design as an offline tool. You can save it on your computer and design your bands even if you are not connected to the internet. But then, it’s a bit difficult to share your pattern.

There is a new tool for those who have an account on the blog. If you save you pattern using the button on the left menu, you get a short link and a control code. You can then register your pattern on this page http://www.raktres.net/blog/seizenn-register-a-pattern/ (you can get it on the top menu “Inkle loom pattern editor”/”Register a pattern”).

During the registration procedure, you choose if you want to keep you pattern private or share it.

You then have acces to the public gallery and to your private gallery.


If you created a pattern few times ago, the tool didn’t gave you the control code. If you want to register such pattern, please leave me a comment with the short codes.


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